An excellent bowl of ramen is one of the great culinary joys in this world - thank you!

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Thank you <3

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Thank you once again for a great post with terrific ideas for things to add to Ramen, plus the instructions as to how to prepare them

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Thank you :)

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I’m a fan of the soy egg

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An over easy fried egg is good, too.

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Agree! Tamago on ramen is a must - ◡ -

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These are great ideas!

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I like the article; I am going to have to try the fried spam topping because I love both Ramen and Spam and never thought to add them together. Nice article

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Zha cai! Didn’t expect to see this ingredient on a ramen topping list. Thank you for this nice surprise. When I was a poor student, I used to snack on this prickle because it was salty, spicy, crunchy and, more importantly, very affordable (I think it was 0.5 yuan per pack, so that’s about 0.06 euro). While I’ve never put it on ramen, I do like it on congee and in cifantuan, a Chinese rice roll that’s not unlike onigiri.

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Thank you :)

Your comments are always so interesting and insightful!

I had never heard of cifantuan before, but they look yummy.

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Love this! Thanks for the food inspiration!

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Hola , Éstas Recetas Con Sus Correspondientes Aderezos , Deben Ser Fascinantes Al Paladar. Creo Que Mí Favorita Sería: Las Berenjenas A La Parilla Glaseadas Con Soja. Un Saludo.

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I think kimchi would be my favorite. Thanks for all these great ideas!

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